
National Doggy Date Night!

In the hustle and bustle of day to day life it’s easy to forget that our dogs have a unique set of needs.  When these needs go unmet a variety of behavior problems tend to spring up.  National Doggy Date Night is a reminder to slow down and spend a little time with the companion … The post National Doggy Date Night! appeared first on Canine Solutions.

In the hustle and bustle of day to day life it’s easy to forget that our dogs have a unique set of needs.  When these needs go unmet a variety of behavior problems tend to spring up.  National Doggy Date Night is a reminder to slow down and spend a little time with the companion that shares so much unconditional love with you!

Here are 5 ways to celebrate Doggy Date Night!

  1. Stuff a Kong – Even if Kongs are a normal part of your enrichment routine you can share an extra special treat with your dog.  Take some Greek Yogurt, blueberries, and little pieces of steak or freeze-dried yogurt and freeze.
  2. Go on a Sniffari – put your dog on an extra long (15′) non retractable leash and let them smell the flowers.  Or fire hydrants, or sign posts, or that really interesting clump of grass.  Even a short sniffari walk is worth the time!
  3. 10 Minute Tricks– Portion out part of their meal and spend a little time teaching your dog how to spin in a circle, roll over, sit pretty, or any other special skill.  Training doesn’t need to take hours!
  4. Play Hide and Seek – Pick an easy to access hiding spot and call your dog to come find you!  You can help them zero in on you with an occasional whistle.  Celebrate when your dog finds you then pick a new spot.
  5. Let them Shred – Ripping and shredding are innate urges for dogs. Take an old paper towel tube and twist up some treats inside like a tootsie roll.  The longer the tube the more little sections you can twist up.  Then let them go to town.  This also give you an opportunity practice resource guarding prevention exercises!

Have fun plans with your pooch tonight?  Post a picture on Instagram and tag us @CanineSolutionsKC!

Canine Cognitive Skills

It’s fun teaching your dog to perform tricks – but did you know there are games you can play that have a far greater value? This series of games not only develop your dog’s brain power, but also help him to live in the world as a well-rounded individual.

  • Suitable for dogs of all ages
  • Low impact games for dogs on crate rest.
  • Develop impulse control and tolerance to frustration.
  • Develops cognitive skills to enhance the ability to process information and understand new concepts.

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