THE DOG OWNER’S BOOK OF POOP AND PEE!! – KISS Dog Training in Kansas City
A Dog Trainer in Kansas City worked hard and long on this book. Take a look and pass the info on to someone who needs it. Here is an excerpt: Is Fido peeing and pooping in all the wrong spots? Are you pulling your hair…
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Common Dog Behavior Problems and Tips from a Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City
Common Dog Behavior Problems and Tips from a Dog Behavior Specialist in Kansas City — Dogs bring joy and companionship to our lives, but they can also present behavior challenges that need to be addressed to maintain a harmonious household. Barking, chewing, and digging are…
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Dog Trainer in Kansas City Shares Awesome Blog on What Might be Wrong in Dog Training Today
Many of my friends know that Ian Dunbar was my first mentor (someone that I emulated) when I started my dog training journey in Kansas City. This blog post brings up lots of good ideas and issues with Dog Training today. Take a…
The post Dog Trainer in Kansas City Shares Awesome Blog on What Might be Wrong in Dog Training Today appeared first on K.I.S.S. Dog Training.